Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023


CASE STUDY: Rathbones Charity Bond, Thera Trust

Education, training and decent work

Social organisations reaching vulnerable and underserved people frequently integrate employment, education and training services into a wider programme of support tailored to specific needs. This multi-dimensional approach can help organisations to diversify income streams, ensure services are joined up and more efficient, and improve outcomes for people.

Thera Trust is a national leader in supporting people with learning disabilities. SBSI made a £1.7m investment in a charity bond raised by the Thera Trust to provide a range of support services. Thera operates through 31 companies across the United Kingdom, providing access to housing, financial advocacy, employment and training, care and support.

10,344 +17% yoy people provided with education, training and employment support

SBSI attributed share 3,038

Jordan Allen, Service Quality Director, Thera Just having someone who has that lived experience of a learning disability is really important and that’s what the people we support see when they look at me. I’ve been in their position and accessed the same support as they have.

SBSI NAV aligned to theme

SBSI investments support social organisations empowering disadvantaged and underserved people to improve educational outcomes and access better training and employment opportunities.

215 people with learning

Rathbones Charity Bond

£1.7m SBSI Investment

3,260 people supported annually

disabilities gained paid employment

Financial drivers and risk mitigation

Impact return and risk mitigation

Diverse income streams, including long term local authority contracts for care support provision

What: Improved access to housing, employment, financial wellbeing and community networks

SBSI portfolio contribution:

W ho : Individuals with a learning disability and their families or carers (indirect beneficiaries)

Bridges Social Outcomes Fund, West London Zone: 1,505 at risk young people provided targeted support, up from 702 people last year. West London Zone services to date indicate deep positive impact. 36% improved to get back on track with national standards targets for English. 25% improved up to national standards for maths. Bridges Evergreen, Skills Training: 6,570 learners in apprenticeships and other jobs and learning programmes, up from 5,400 in prior year. Bridges Social Outcomes Fund, Refugee Better Outcomes Partnership: 366 refugees in programme in first year, 12 have entered into employment. Rathbones Charity Bond, Thera Trust: targeted support for 3,800 people with learning disabilities

Sweet Sp o t

How Much: 3,260 people with learning disabilities supported in 2022

Financial confidence assessed annually by Investing for Good and given highest rating, based on 10 years of revenue surplus

UK SDG national targets 17 SDG 4 Quality Education Target 4.1: Quality education

Contribution: Targeted approach to underserved beneficiaries who would otherwise be marginalised, often providing long term, in-depth support Risk: Drop-off/Evidence risk that positive outcomes are overstated or not sustained, mitigated through internal monitoring and external assurance from Investing for Good

Current UK level: 30% of 16-year-olds leaving school without basic qualifications 15

outcomes for all children by 2030 SDG8 UK target: Decent work for All

Strong track record in raising and servicing four charity bonds since 2015, with 2020 bond being oversubscribed

User Voice

Thera prioritises ‘lived experience’ to ensure it delivers on its mission. The Quality Company (a specialist company that is part of Thera Group) employs people with lived experience of learning disability to assess the services

provided by Thera support companies. This is also reflected in company leadership, with 38% of executive director level roles held by people with lived experience of learning disability.


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