Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023


CASE STUDY: Bridges Evergreen, AgilityEco

Just Transition to Net Zero

SBSI’s investment in Bridges Evergreen has helped the Fund provide long term growth capital and expertise to impactful businesses. This includes AgilityEco, which has become a leader in energy efficiency and fuel poverty services. AgilityEco works closely with local authorities, housing providers and charities, providing energy efficiency upgrades and local energy advice for people at risk of fuel poverty, a need which has soared in the last two years. In addition to responding to urgent needs now, Agility Eco has also focused on positioning to help address the long-term challenge of the transition to net zero. Heat pumps are expected to play a critical role in the move away from gas heating, and in 2022 AgilityEco acquired a stake in the heat pump specialist Alto Energy to boost its presence in the market.

User Voice

Bridges and AgilityEco monitors customer satisfaction, which is central to delivering a high-quality service and maintaining high referral levels from clients including local authorities. Customer satisfaction has averaged 9.2 out of 10 since investment. AgilityEco also operate an advice service, LEAP, which includes telephone advice and in-home consultations, and offers a gateway to other services provided by AgilityEco and its partners.

£67m +254% yoy Savings and incomes generated for underserved communities and people at risk of fuel poverty 16

SBSI attributed share £5.35m

57,535 metric tonnes per annum CO 2 avoided

SBSI attributed share 5,788

Trust NAV aligned to theme

Moving the UK to net zero emissions by 2050 will require an estimated £6 trillion in investment over the next 30 years 17 . This unprecedented level of financial mobilisation also offers huge opportunities for positive social impact, by creating more and better jobs, reducing inequality and revitalising communities. Investments that combine positive social and environmental outcomes are also more likely to gain wider community and public buy-in, which is vital to a successful transition. SBSI invests in organisations leading the drive towards a more sustainable, fair economy, and creating new opportunities to reduce emissions and social inequality at the same time. At present SBSI has categorised energy efficiency and energy generation focused investments that work with lower income communities as ‘Just Transition’ investments. We intend to review the portfolio in 2023 using the Impact Investing Institute’s Just Transition Finance Challenge Criteria, alongside further engagement with SBSI’s underlying fund managers to enhance environmental and sustainability management across the portfolio.

Over 90,000 households since Trust investment

Average £531 annual savings per household

Bridges Evergreen

Financial drivers and risk mitigation

Impact return and risk mitigation

Energy efficiency and low carbon services to vulnerable households, primarily through the government backed Great British Insulation Scheme, with the latest round from 2023-2026 expected to provide £1bn investment annually Positive long-term outlook supported by the government’s statutory targets of net zero emissions by 2050 and no fuel-poor household living in an inefficient home by 2030

What: Support to provide low-carbon services to help reduce energy bills and manage finances

W ho : UK households facing fuel poverty

UK SDG national targets SDG 7 : Affordable and clean energy for all by 2030

How Much: 90,200 households served since investment, average annual savings of £531 per household Contribution: Measures to combat fuel poverty which also contribute to the UK’s Net Zero journey Risk: There is risk that the expected impact is not in line with what occurs at the household level: this is mitigated through ongoing assessment of savings data

Current UK level: Fuel poverty at 14.4%, up from 13% in prior year. Average fuel poverty gap £443 per household, up 31% year on year 18 Current UK level: 59% of UK homes do not meet

Trust portfolio contribution: Debt and Equity for Social Enterprises, High Impact Housing

Sweet Sp o t

Energy efficiency services provided to 45,557 households at risk of fuel poverty in 2021-22, and over 90,000 cumulatively since SBSI investment All new housing developed within portfolio meets minimum standard

SDG 13 Pathway to net zero emissions by 2050 requires all UK housing at minimum energy efficiency level (EPC rating C) by 2028

Investment to support growth and enable Agility Eco to meet increased market demand

minimum energy efficiency level 19

16 Figure calculated includes total community benefit funds generated by renewable energy assets, and estimated energy bill savings per household for AgilityEco clients receiving energy efficiency services and advice, including 44,643 households served in 2021 receiving two years of savings to date, and households served in 2022 receiving one year of savings. 17 18 19

Any reference to sectors/countries/stocks/securities are for illustrative purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument/securities or adopt any investment strategy.



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