Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023 Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust | Impact Report 2023

Debt and Equity for Social Enterprises Portfolio

Triodos £2.5m SBSI investment of £5.7m bank capital bond supporting Triodos loan growth Loans to a wide range of social organisations across the UK in healthcare, housing, education and communities

SASC Community Investment Fund £5.5m SBSI investment of £13.4m Fund

Rathbones Charity Bond SBSI investment of £14.9m in charity bonds Broad impact including supported housing, renewable energy generation and broadband connectivity for rural communities

Bridges Evergreen £14.9m SBSI investment

Charity Bank £5.1m SBSI investment in co-investments


Investments in social organisations providing care, housing, renewable energy

Health and care services; affordable housing for elderly people

Four impact themes: Sustainable Planet, Healthier Lives, Future Skills, and Stronger Communities


Vulnerable or disadvantaged beneficiary groups and/or the planet

People with long term health conditions and lower income elderly people


Underserved and vulnerable people in the UK

Vulnerable, disadvantaged or underserved people

Disadvantaged, vulnerable and underserved communities

Development of a facility to care for 44 people rehabilitating from stroke or recovering from serious injury Development of 48 housing units for the elderly, of which 33 to be let at affordable rent Construction of a 20 unit alms-house to provide affordable accommodation for the elderly

Energy efficiency services for 45k households per year at risk of fuel poverty, leading to average annual savings of £531 per household Quality training provision to 6,570 learners, including 30% with no prior qualifications 181 affordable homes provided to moving from poor-quality accommodation or insecure tenancy agreements 18,969 days of quality care, education and therapy per year for young people with significantly improved outcomes Patient, flexible capital alongside hands-on strategic and value creation support, including expert impact measurement, management and reporting

1,234 people reached by 11 social organisations providing essential services including housing, care and training. 19.5 GWh of renewable energy generated annually, enough to power 5,200 homes

Over 16,000 tenants housed at affordable rents Intensive support including care, education and training, employability and housing provision to more than 7,000 people with health conditions or special educational needs 7,000 rural properties connected with broadband Fund provides additional capital to enable Charity Bonds to reach their target size. The Fund also engages with investees on impact management

Loans have supported 1,900 children provided with education or childcare 161 older people housed and supported in care homes 558 tenants housed in social and community housing

How Much

Flexible, long dated capital provided to small and medium social organisations, supporting growth and resilience

Flexible, long-term capital and technical support to mission-led organisations across the UK

The loans in the portfolio have enabled charities to purchase or develop properties that will provide high-quality, suitable, long- term accommodation and services for their local communities


Key Impact Risks and Mitigants

External risk External factors, including Covid-related disruption restrict social organisations’ ability to deliver services and generate revenues. Evidence risk Diverse business models and small social organisations with limited capacity for data collection make it difficult to assess what impact is occurring and to identify areas to improve

Partnership Long term flexible capital provision to enable development and establishment of service delivery models, including flexibility on loan repayments in response to Covid restrictions.

Unintended impact risk Organisations with limited capacity are at risk of insufficient client protection, sustainability and governance processes, leading to negative impact for people and planet.

Holistic assessment Funds assess social impact case alongside wider consideration of potential impacts, including via supply chain, employment, ESG assessment integrated at fund and frontline levels. Portfolio Manager engagement in year focused on enhancing emissions measurement and management and identifying actions for alignment to net zero.

User voice and Partnership Enterprises with greater capacity provide data on user experience, insights are fed back into fund impact assessments by sector, impact model and beneficiary type. Fund manager proximity to frontline organisations allows for high-conviction assessment of impact where organisations have low capacity for impact measurement and reporting.

Any reference to sectors/countries/stocks/securities are for illustrative purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument/securities or adopt any investment strategy.



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