Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023

CASE STUDY: Triodos Bank UK bond, Jamie’s Farm

Jamie’s Farm runs residential programmes to help young people facing social and academic exclusion. Users are practically involved in the elements of running the farm and receive therapeutic support in one-to-one and group settings, with a legacy programme working with schools to ensure lasting change. Academic exclusion disproportionately effects young people from lower income backgrounds, and learners

with special educational needs. Exclusions have long-term and short-term consequences affecting academic achievement, mental wellbeing and future prospects. The Triodos loan has helped Jamie’s Farm expand and provide valuable experience and long-term support for over 11,000 people, including opening a new site near London’s Waterloo Station to provide impact right in the heart of the city.

64% of learners back on track on core subjects 6 months after attendance

Support for 1,128 vulnerable people in 2021

Triodos Bank UK (4% coupon)

Financial drivers and risk mitigation

Impact return and risk mitigation

Diverse range of funding sources, including schools and academies, fundraising and grants from long term partners

What: Residential programmes to help enable young people to thrive academically, socially and emotionally

W ho : Young people facing social and academic exclusion

Funding driven through demonstrating success in supporting school key performance indicators including pupil attendance and attainment, pupil behaviour, and reducing exclusions

How Much: 1,128 vulnerable young people supported, with 60% improving their wellbeing in 2020/2021 Contribution: Post-residential support offers follow up and longer-term impact Risk: Potential safeguarding issues are mitigated by high staff-to-student ratios and regularly updated health and safety assessments.

Sweet Sp o t

Increasing reputation of the farm has driven greater demand from schools and client organisations across the country

Olivia’s stay at Jamie’s Farm had an overwhelmingly positive impact on her life. She came back glowing with pride and joy and newfound faith in herself and her abilities. We felt incredibly proud when she was chosen as a Jamie’s Farm Ambassador. The staff at Jamie’s Farm are attentive, non-judgmental and truly understanding of the needs of our young people. I salute and thank them for changing the future, one child at a time.

Olivia’s mum

User Voice

Jamie’s Farm systematically gathers feedback from young people and teachers, including surveying during visits, and six weeks and six months later to assess outcomes and inform

service design. Dialogue with local schools was particularly important over Covid restrictions, leading to an adapted day visit programme.

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