Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023

LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE YEAR: Enterprise resilience and growth

The impact of investment on enterprises is critical to SBSI’s theory of change. Over the last two years the portfolio manager Big Society Capital (BSC) has developed a framework to assess the effect of investment on enterprise resilience and growth, which enables social enterprises and charities to better serve the people they work with. Impact growth – an increase in impact generating activities Enterprise resilience – being financially more self- reliant and with it have the ability to better plan for the future, withstand short-term shocks and seize on long- term trends as opportunities. The enterprise-level impact framework consists of standardised categories of purpose of investments and use of proceeds, as well as a set of financial and self- reported metrics to measure changes in resilience and growth of enterprises following social investment. The framework is built upon a collaborative pilot project, in partnership with several of our fund managers, in which we tested the different framework components with a subset of enterprises. On average enterprises reported strong resilience and impact growth and attributed these changes to the investment received. We are working to tie indicators of this change in to portfolio level overviews of key financial metrics and trends (total assets, net assets, revenue and net income). This measurement process is currently based on self reported data and financial proxies, and is currently a work in progress that requires ongoing testing and development, which we are planning to report on in the coming year. See full report, published November 2022: Understanding enterprise-level impact: Resilience and impact growth | Big Society Capital

Impact for People

Enterprise Growth

More Resilient Enterprises

Use of Proceeds

Purpose of Investment




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