Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023

Social Outcomes Contract (SOC) portfolio

Social Outcomes Contracts Asset Class Deep Dive:

Bridges Social Outcomes Fund £8.3m SBSI investment of £35m Fund.

£39.7m 23 Short-term public value generated

12,532 Number of people supported


Funds committed

Organisations supported



Personalised family, health, social care, education and transitional housing services leading to sustained positive outcomes for citizens and value for taxpayers.


SBSI Share £9.4m YOY 14%

SBSI Share 2,971 YOY 10%


Lower income and vulnerable groups

Short-term public value of £39.7m generated through early intervention 24 12,523 people supported across homelessness, education and employment, family care. Provision of capital enables social organisations to participate in outcomes based contracts. Bridges engages with local authorities on programme design, and social organisations to construct and manage partnerships for service delivery

How Much

SBSI invests in funds or direct opportunities that provide capital for expert charities and social enterprises to deliver outcomes-based government contracts. This funding enables social organisations to achieve greater impact for vulnerable people and provide better value for money for the public. Projects are paid for the social outcomes they achieve, with the value to government and society from savings (e.g. through early action to reduce the need for high cost care services) significantly exceeding the level of payments.

Map Key

Most deprived



Less deprived Average

Least deprived

Key Impact Risks and Mitigants

Partnership Collaborative design models with local steering groups and stakeholder engagement.

Execution risk Potential delays in recruitment of staff.

Potential structural barriers limiting the ability to innovate and evolve services based on learning.

External risk Risk that referral levels deviate substantially from expectations due to public service disruption and/ or surge in need.

User voice Client feedback used to adapt services in response to disruption and emerging challenges for clients. Engagement with clients reduces risk of drop-off.

24 Social Outcomes Contracts assess cost effectiveness in achieving positive outcomes, referenced against existing costs or rates set to achieve outcomes through conventional public service provision. See Appendix: Methodological Notes for further information on how this KPI is measured. Any reference to sectors/countries/stocks/securities are for illustrative purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument/securities or adopt any investment strategy.

22 See Appendix: Methodology notes for full explanation on how this is calculated.

Any reference to sectors/countries/stocks/securities are for illustrative purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument/securities or adopt any investment strategy.



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