Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023

About the Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

8. Data quality The impact data presented in this report is taken from the latest available fund manager impact reports submitted to SBSI. The report also draws on annual impact reports from frontline investee organisations where available. 9. Reporting on contribution to impact Investment and non-financial support provided through SBSI and portfolio fund managers makes a significant contribution towards positive impact: however we recognise this as one set of inputs among many that are instrumental in portfolio organisations achieving positive outcomes for people. The contribution of an investment towards the outcomes achieved by investee organisations is highly variable and may depend on the size and purpose of the investment, the effect this has on a fund, frontline organisation’s ability to raise capital from other sources, and the nature of non-financial support provided to fund managers and frontline organisations. Given the wide range of variables, this report focuses on providing a clear picture of the impact achieved by organisations with contribution from SBSI but does not seek to attribute a share of impact directly to SBSI.

This Impact Report was produced by the Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust Impact Team, with special thanks for contributions from portfolio fund managers, colleagues at Schroders and Big Society Capital, and the Social Impact Trust Board and Investment Committee.

There is a growing private impact investment market in the UK, providing solutions that aim to help alleviate some of the country’s most pressing social challenges, while targeting a sustainable financial return. Many of the investment opportunities which deliver the highest level of social impact are found in private markets which, although they have increasing institutional investor backing, are not easily accessible to other investors without specialist expertise and deep networks.

To bring these opportunities to a wider audience, the Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc was listed in December 2020 to provide investors with unique access to a diversified portfolio of high-impact private market investments within a liquid investment vehicle. The portfolio is managed by Big Society Capital (BSC), one of the UK’s leading impact investors, and the Alternative Investment Fund Manager is Schroders, who is one of the leading managers of investment trusts in the UK and is committed to sustainability and positive impact.

Delegated Portfolio Manager – Responsible for day-to-day investment origination, investment selection and portfolio management. – Dedicated social impact investor with £625m of investment from Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, NatWest and dormant bank accounts – Team of 30+ with diverse experience across investment, government and social enterprise – Impact and ESG team – £1.8bn deployed with other investors (including BSC investment alongside Alternative Investment Fund Manager – Representation on the Company’s Investment Committee and responsible for oversight of risk management – £746.3 billion of assets under management (as at 31 March 2023) and an MSCI ESG rating of AAA with a consistent score for more than five years – UN Global Compact Signatory – Awarded “ESG engagement initiative of the year” by Environmental Finance in 2022 investment mobilised from co-investors in Funds). – More than 2,000 social enterprise investments

Report lead authors Joe Shamash Investment Director Big Society Capital Annelise Sauter ESG and EDI Manager Big Society Capital

Jeremy Rogers Chief Investment Officer Big Society Capital

Philipp Essl Managing Director, Head of Impact Big Society Capital

Please refer to the Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust website for further information and to contact the team. investment-trusts/schroder-bsc-social-impact-trust/



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