Big Society Capital Impact Report

Impact Report 2023 | Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc

Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc | Impact Report 2023

Progress Report Card SBSI targets deep, scalable positive impact for disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the UK, by connecting investors with opportunities that have an unmet need for capital. We assess progress for all investments, and for the Company as a whole, towards this mission.

What we look for

Progress summary 2023

Progress summary 2022

What Important positive

On track 100% of capital deployed in line with thesis and aligned with at least one UN SDG

On track 100% of capital deployed in line with thesis and aligned with at least one UN SDG

outcomes, meaningful to those experiencing the issue and addressing at least one SDG Who Beneficiaries, who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable

On track 94% of beneficiaries from

On track 90% of beneficiaries from disadvantaged or vulnerable groups

disadvantaged or vulnerable groups in year (targeting minimum 60% at portfolio level year on year) On track Scale – in year investments reaching more than 168,000 people Depth: All investments providing services with high potential for deep and sustained positive impact Area for improvement Impact measurement extension ongoing, focus on enterprise level impact (growth and resilience) On track £98m (cumulative) savings generated through improved and more accessible services 27,000 people housed (cumulative) Area for improvement Assessment of outcomes in Housing (ongoing, in-year focus on counterparty resilience and tenant service quality) On track ESG measurement and management extended to include Equality, Diversity and Inclusion surveying and action plans, CO2 emissions and environmental monitoring Area for development Alignment with UK Sustainable Disclosure Requirements once published

How much Significant depth of impact, in

On track Scale – in year investments reaching more than 160,000 people

making meaningful improvements for people, and high scale of impact, through reaching a large number of underserved people

Area for improvement Extend outcome measurement in portfolio segments with limited data on depth of impact (ongoing) On track £55.6m savings generated through improved and more accessible services 19,000 people housed with Fund support Area for improvement Assessment of outcomes and performance in Housing (ongoing)

Contribution Significant improvement or additional benefit as a result of investment and activities

Risk Fund managers must assess and mitigate the risks that may prevent the intended outcomes occurring

On track

Priority area Assessment and deeper engagement

with investees on ESG Risk Management (achieved)



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