Schroder ISF Sustainable Multi Asset Income (Mar 2023)

Comprehensive sustainability approach 100% of the fund’s holdings are analysed from a  sustainability perspective. We do this in a number of ways. ESG integrated research process: We analyse the long-term implications of ESG themes o n returns Extensive ESG screening: Stringent screens (vs. the index) are put in place to exclude controversial investments Active engagement: Active engagement withcompanies to promote moresustainable business practices Positive transition stories and ESG themes: We identifycompanies with improvingESG scores and favour themes aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Proprietary ESG toolkit

Most sustainability funds rely on third party scoring or screening for ESG analysis, but these are typically inconsistent andbackward looking. We’ve developed a unique platform of tools to measure the impact of our investments on ESG issues, using a vast traditional and non- traditional data set. This gives us the best opportunity to identify sustainable companies that are able to maintain above average growth and returns over the long term. A company’s contributions and costs to society can be quantified 55 % 1/3

Estimated fall in profits of listed companies ifall ESG impactsbecome

Of listed companies will become loss-making as a result.

crystallisedas financial costs.

Source: Schroders, SustainEx tool

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